Thursday, March 7, 2013

Moved my blog- Short Sleeved Ann

I've moved my blog to one with a shorter name - although I really liked the title of this blog - it is just too long!  Come follow me on my weight loss journey with the vertical sleeve!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Salt is My Friend Today????

I've been battling low blood pressure these past couple of days after being on high blood pressure medicine for probably the past twenty years.  I have absolutely no energy.  Today I went to see my internist for my post-op appointment and brought him my blood pressure readings.  When I was scared Friday & Saturday when my blood pressure was higher and I kept taking medicine - he said that was nothing.  He did change my medication - no longer on my main high blood pressure medication.  Because I have heart disease, I'm still on Plavix, Simvastatin, and Metropropol (which does affect my blood pressure).  I'll wait to add the daily aspirin until I'm on full foods.

What shocked me was when he told me that I needed some salt (today) in my diet and to get some carb calories in for energy.  Since I just started pureed foods at one week out, I'm still scared to eat much.  Yesterday I pulverized some chicken with some chicken broth and ate a 1/4 cup.  Pretty gross.  Had some cream of wheat - no taste and really no nutritional value.  I'm getting my protein in from shakes and greek yogurt.  So I went to our local Luby's and got a LuAnn plate with baked fish and mashed potatoes - no roll.  I tried to eat maybe an ounce of the fish mashed (none of the toppings) and 1/4 cup of mashed potatoes with salt! Got almost all of that in until I started to feel a little uncomfortable - I'm new at this sleeve business so I don't know how much I can really eat yet.  Yes - those mashed potatoes tasted wonderful - in MY Fitness Pal they were 69 calories 6.3 carbs and 1.4 grams of protein.  Ok - fat was 4.6 grams.  I'm having the same for dinner - with SALT !

I know I won't be eating salt for long as my blood pressure stabilizes but it really made me feel better.  So strange to hear a doctor tell a fat person to eat salt!!!  Oh - I had lost 10 pounds since my visit to see him the week before surgery!!  Yeah!!!

Hopefully my energy will come back this week so I can get some exercise in - more than walking around my house each hour!  What a journey this is!!

Monday, March 4, 2013

One Week Out!

Wow!  I woke up this morning excited I was a week out but man - absolutely no energy at all today.  Thank goodness I did not have anything important going on and could rest today.  I also got to start on the puree stage - which makes me nervous about what I can eat.

I started off with a little bit of Cream of Wheat with some splenda - needed some butter and brown sugar!  Guess I still have a long way to go in conquering my food addictions!  I had some greek yogurt and a GNC Total lean shake - I like those!  My stomach felt a little upset - had some Tums and some Lactaid with the yogurt.  Hope I can eat these since I'm starting to become more lactose intolerant.

I called the doctor's office on my weakness - the nurse said I needed to get some calories in - that was hard to do on the clear liquid diet.  I can also take the chewable vitamins now and also a chewable B12.  Hope this helps.  My blood pressure was totally normal today without medication - weird since it was high Friday & Saturday with medication - guess the healing is taking place.  I will see my internist this week and am documenting the BP.

Good news is that I'm down 10 lbs since last Monday!!  Yeah!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Sunday musings...

Well - today is the first day I feel really weak.  I think it's because my blood pressure has been kinda crazy the past couple of days and is finally down today.  Going to see the internist tomorrow about it and for the one week post-op visit.

I am so grateful that I am almost a week past surgery - this time last Sunday I was working myself into a nervous frenzy - cleaning out my closet, writing letters to my family in case something happened, etc. God is good - everything went fine and I'm pain free!  And I've lost 9.4 lbs since last Monday!!!  Woo! Hoo!

My husband starts his 14 day pre-op diet tomorrow - he just ordered his last meal - a pizza.  Smells good but somehow that 9.4 lbs seems more worth it!  I'm excited for his journey to start - this next week will be tough for him to be on the diet as he will be traveling this week but he can do it - I have faith!!

To be honest, today is the first day I've really gotten out of my nightgown into clothes - I just haven't wanted anything around my waist.  And my bra feels tight around my rib cage - must be cause the one incisions is right below the center of my bra.  Yes,  I've been taking it very easy - guess I'll join the world this next week!  Hope my energy comes back!

Feeling very grateful and thankful that this past week has past!  I'll say it again - God is good!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

4 Days Post-Op

Wow!  It's done - I've really gone ahead and had the surgery and 85% of my stomach is gone?  What have I done?  Am I nuts?  I really did this to myself?  Those are the thoughts that have been going through my mind these last few days after getting home.  The pain has not been bad at all.  I took the hydracodone Tuesday when I got home from the hospital and have been taking Tylenol since then.  That has handled my pain.  No nausea but I do have Loratabs that I did take the first couple of days home just to keep the nausea at bay.

The first night home was the most uncomfortable - hard to get situated in bed - ended up spending most of the night in a recliner chair with my husband on the coach.  My new sleeve just didn't want to be flat.   My sweet husband got me situated in the a chair with my phone, computer, Isopure, water, etc. before he left for work on Wednesday - he also came home early.  I really was just fine by myself.  Friends & family were texting and calling to check on me.  I dosed off and on most of the day.  Drinking my little medicine cups was still a little uncomfortable - I could feel it going down - maybe a few stomach spasms.  But I did get the whole grape Isopure down that day.

Thursday I choose to put Unijury unflavored powder in Crystal Light - that went okay and I had the Unjury chicken soup also instead if the Isopure.  I had gotten a candle warmer that I plugged into an outlet by my chair and set a measuring cup with soup on it and sipped a medicine cupful at a time of it and it stayed warm.  Liquids went down better.   Also had a shower on Thursday - hubby said I looked much better (guess my hair was looking pretty bad)!  Big mistake - got on scale - was up two pounds - yes - I knew better - the IV fluids!  Darn!!!  I've been crushing my meds and eating in either a tiny bite of yogurt or applesauce - horrible - so bitter!

I slept better Thursday night so Friday I woke up feeling well.  I've been monitoring my blood pressure which had been down since I started the pre-op diet - but - whoa - not on Friday.  It went up and stayed up and I kept taking my BP medicine in half doses like my internist had told me to do if it went over 160 (top number).  Kept resting and sipping & walking the halls of my house.  Friends dropped off magazines, flowers, etc. at my front door - so nice.  Friday night I felt hungry for the first time - they better have gotten that Grehlin out of my body!

Today is Saturday and I'm down 6.4 lbs since Monday!!! So exciting to see the scale move in that downward fashion!!  Been monitoring my blood pressure - took full meds this morning and its just a little high - been journaling it and will see my internist on Monday.  I don't want to put on pants with the incisions on my stomach but I guess I am going to have to get out of these nightgowns eventually!  I've been cold so I've been wearing two robes and have a blanket.  I'm tired of clear liquids - ready for next stage on Monday.  So far things are going well.  Hubby starts his pre-op diet Monday - Surgery set for him on March 18th!  Things are changing in our house for the good - getting on the healthy train!  Yeah!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Day of VSG surgery finally here!

My surgery date was Monday, February 25th.  My surgeon actually called me on Sunday to tell me to eat light that day, nothing after 5 pm but clear liquids and nothing after midnight. He also wanted to go over my medications and any questions I had - wow - the call was unexpected and so nice!

My surgery was the night before the Academy Awards!  Thank goodness I love the Oscars as that helped keep my mind occupied instead of being too nervous about the surgery.  My friends and I were texting back and forth about the dresses, awards, etc. that made the night fun as it could be!  I did get some sleep that night.

I had to be at the hospital at 8 am for a 10:15 surgery.  As soon as I got back into the room to change into a hospital gown, they were already calling for me in pre-op.  I quickly told my husband goodbye - thought I was going to be way ahead of schedule - but oh no - I spent 45 minutes to an hour in the pre-op waiting dock.  They gave me some headphones to listen to music - I would rather have had valium but no anxiety meds until I met with anesthesiologist.  I told the anesthesiologist how I had been nausated with all past surgeries so to give me all the good drugs he could.  The surgeon came by and talked to me also.

Last thing I remembered was being taken back to the operating room and transferring to the operating table - nothing after that - no counting backwards etc.  When I woke up - no nausea - YEAH! - they asked me about pain - I told them a 5 - started getting pain meds- was moved to a room a couple of hours later.  (I think).

I was shocked about the pain levels - more soreness than actual hurting.  I've had two C-sections to compare this to - I was just uncomfortable.  I was given a pump to control my pain - I thought I was hitting the button pretty often because I like to stay ahead of the pain - but the surgeon said I didn't really use a whole lot of pain medication.

Later that day I got ice chips, sat in a chair, walked around the nurses station a few times and went to the bathroom.  I sent my husband home around 6:30 that night cause I knew I was just going to sleep. A successful day that will hopefully get me on a healthy path of life!!! Not as bad as I anticipated!

Cleaning out closets, etc.

As the date for my surgery got closer, I found myself in a nervous frenzy to clean things out  - "nesting" (like before you give birth).  Guess I'm giving birth to a smaller stomach!  I'll confess - my house may look clean from the outside but please don't open drawers or closets - that's where all the junk is.  I told one friend if anything happened to me she had to go into my closet first before anyone else!!!

So I tackled the pantry, refrigerator & freezer when my husband wasn't there as he has a hard time seeing food go to waste.  (He's getting sleeved 3 weeks later than me).  Our boys are out of the house so we don't need to keep junk food around for them.  I did a little bit at a time each week before I knew the trash was going to be picked up.  I also get overwhelmed with the idea of cleaning out things so I do better in 30 minute increments of cleaning.

My closet was the biggest hurdle - it was a nightmare.  I also had to tackle it in several 30 minute sessions!  First I got rid of what I knew I would never wear no matter how much weight I lost.  Then clothes that were just worn-out.  How many black short-sleeved t-shirts does one person need?  Can't wait to have a wardrobe that is not based on BLACK!!!

The day before the surgery I was a nervous wreck and so back to the closet project and I then concentrated on shoes - how many pairs of flip-flops does one need?  I live in a southern climate so I wear flip flops a lot - but I did get rid of many pairs that I hadn't worn in the last year.

So good news - my closet is not perfect but I now know I can walk-in and see what I have!  I can't wait to get rid of these large clothes!  Yeah for nesting!!!

Pre-op Diet

Okay, I started the pre-op diet Feb 11th two weeks before my surgery date of Feb 25th.  My surgeon has an easier pre-op diet - a light breakfast of either cereal, toast, fruit, oatmeal, egg, then another meal of a lean protein with two green veggies, then two protein shake or protein mixed in greek yogurt.  No white stuff or fats.

I've noticed that every time in the past when I've started a diet and detoxing off of sugar - I always seem to have diarrhea.  I also have irritable bowl syndrome.  So long story short, had lots of diarrhea that first week.  I stayed really busy so I wouldn't be tempted by eating snacks.  I liked my shakes - I used the GNC Total Lean ready made Vanilla Bean & Swiss Chocolate shakes that I liked a lot.

I started getting lightheaded after 6-7 days on the diet - checked my blood pressure and it was on the low side (I'm on medication) .  The diarrhea wasn't as bad the second week.  So I closely started documenting my blood pressure and saw my internist- pretty incredible that I basically stopped taking BP meds after one week on the diet.  He wanted me to take half a pill when the top number was over 160 - I think I did twice - and keep documenting the numbers.  Guess my diet before was full of processed foods and salt to have my blood pressure affected so quickly!!

The countdown is on to the surgery!! I can do this!